Friday, April 6, 2007

"Dream(s)" - posted Feb 12, '07 on myspace

I always wonder if dreams have any meaning. I tend to dream about the same thing most of the time. I usually dream about people I know/knew, tho I do sometimes get those weird ones too.
I dreamt that I lose my teeth a few times. I kept spitting out tooth after tooth but more kept getting loose. Someone told me that it means good fortune is coming your way. Not sure if that is true or not...

The last few days tho...I have been feeling a little nostalgic...and my dreams apparently reflects that...I dreamt about a couple of male friends I was pretty close to when I was in high school and college. Not sexual dream, mind you...just us hanging out together catching up on old times, just like we used to do while we were in school. The funny part is, both guys were on the volleyball teams just like I was in high school and college. These 2 dreams prompted me to look up where they are now since we haven't talk for a while...

I dreamt about my mom a few times too...The last time was about 2 nights ago. In the dream, we went to the pasar malam (night market) and bought food. Then when I woke up, my tummy was growling and I was craving those food in my dream.

Oh well, guess I'll go to bed (it's past my bedtime now) and see what kind of dream I'll have tonight...he he he

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