Monday, November 5, 2007

Adventure in babysitting

Jim & I babysat our little niece, Karsen, today. My mother in law whom usually babysits her while her parents are at work had a doctor's appointment today so we are the backup babysitters.

We really enjoyed having her over. She will be 2 at the end of this month (her birthday is a day before our wedding anniversary) and learning to talk. She really loves animals (her parents have 2 dogs and a cat) so she wants to play with Sammy & Tiger whenever she comes over.

Tiger is a little afraid of her so he would hide in our bedroom but Sammy usually comes out and stares at her. Sammy gets a little jealous when he sees her with me. Like today, Karsen was napping beside me and Sammy gave her a "dirty" look before settling himself beside me to nap too. She would cry out ,"CAT!!" whenever she sees him and tries to pat him but Sammy usually stays at a safe distance away.

The picture above was taken about a year ago when Karsen was about 10 or 11 months old. I can't believe that she's going to be 2 soon. I remember when she came home from the hospital about a week after her birth, she was so tiny then. She was born 6 weeks early so she was really tiny but you wouldn't know that if you see her now, she is tall and quite active. Jim & I just love her to pieces....and would gladly babysit her anytime...


Siti Blogger said...

Babysitting is fun when it's someone else's baby :-P

Shirin said...

Off course!!! But that's the best I can do at the moment....(waaaaaa)