Tuesday, May 15, 2007

End of vacation....urgh!!!!!!!

Today is my first day back from a week long vacation. We didn't go anywhere since Jim has to work...me just melepak kat rumah je, being the lazy bum that I am he he he...

What did I do while I was on vacation? Hemm, let me see....sleep, eat, watch tv, sleep, eat, watch tv...that's basically it. Oh, was on the computer when I'm not doing the other 3 things he he he. Actually, I did get some stuff done. I bought a hummingbird feeder for our back patio. Got a pot of flowers as well as some weed killer for the crap grass that we have in the back yard. Had planned on working the garden but alas I got lazy so I just put up the hummingbird feeder and call it even. Maybe this weekend I'll cut that crap grass....not!!!! Urghh, I really hate that thing.....

I did finally typed out my book. I just have to finish typing the ending. Maybe I'll send it in to some of the publishing houses. Who knows, maybe I would become a famous children's book author some day....insya allah. Can you imagine me being an author? he he he

Did some spring cleaning around the house. Tidy up the laundry room and the bedroom. Both rooms look a lot better now that all the crap are either put away or tossed out. The boys have more space to look out the back door at the bird feeders now that the laundry room is clutter free.
When the laundry room was full of clutter
These are clutter free

Boy, I really didn't want to go into work today....I kept hitting the snooze button for about a half hour before I decided that I need to wake up. When I got into my office....my oh my...2 huge pile of stuff that I need to go thru. I am proud to say that now at about 5:47 pm, I have gone thru almost all of it....yeah!!!

I guess it's time for me to go home and see what my boys are up to....Adios amigos.....


Syazleen said...

Nice blog Kak Yin, keep up the good work!

Shirin said...

Thanks Deen, this has become my therapy..he he he