Friday, May 30, 2008

Rose Red

Jim & I watched the movie "Rose Red" on the Sci Fi channel (channel 50) last night. It was written by Stephen King and made into a tv movie. When it was first aired (I believe back in 2002), it was showed in 2 hours segments over 3 days (6 hours total). Last night they aired it back to back starting at 7pm.

The movie is about a group of psychics who spent 3 nights, over Memorial Weekend, to investigate a mansion called "Rose Red" that is believed to be inhibited by ghosts/spirits that feeds on psychic powers. The house had been laid dormant for the past 30 years but as the psychics entered the house, it started to "awake".

The movie was pretty good (most of Stephen King's movies are in my opinion). The first 4 hours of it was very interesting. However, the way the movie ended was a little disappointing for me. I still did enjoy it. Stephen King, as in most of his movies, made an appearance as a pizza delivery boy in this movie. I am not sure if this movie is out on DVD or not, but if you are able to find it, watch it, especially if you are a Stephen King fan.

p/s: For other Stephen King movie recommendations, please refer to the blog titled "The Mist"

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