Friday, June 29, 2007


Hello, hello, hello...It's me, the "lazy" bum, who is extremely bored at the moment..LOL. Well, the dental side is off today as well as all of next week for 4th of July. Everyone is off somewhere on vacation...(Melissa, I am really jealous that you are in Hawaii!!!), except for yours truly...

Actually, I could be off too but I can't afford not to work at the moment. Anyways, the software side is open today and next week except for July 4th for Independence Day. I have to "keep an eye" on the guys since our bosses are all on vacation he he he. Since I don't really have much to do at work today, and the payroll guy is already here (I've distributed everyone's paycheck), I think I will get off of work very in the next half hour or so..he he he.

I have to stop at the petstore as well as the grocery store on my way home. I gave the boys their last can of food this morning so I need to get more for them before there is a riot at home. Also, need to pick up some milk and veggies for Jim & myself. Am thinking of going to Lee Lee's market coz I'm already out of the lempuk but am feeling lazy to drive that far. Maybe I'll go to Lee Lee's on Monday.

Well, I guess I'd better get to tidying up me desk if I want to get out of here soon. I'll catch ya later...Have a great weekend!!!!

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