Tuesday, June 12, 2007

As tagged by B.A.M.Z.1.0.7

Here’s my answer to your tag…

The Layered me

Layer One: On the Outside
Name: Raja Norshirin Raja Jalil-Pergo, Yin to family and close friends. Shirin to most friends. Honey/Shereeeeen to hubby. Mrs. Pergo to telemarketers
Birthdate: January 14th, 197_
Current status: Married, mom to 2 cats
Eye color: Brown
Hair Color: Black going on "blonde" due to my gray hair
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Layer Two: On the Inside
My heritage: Melayu - Dad from Selangor, late Mom half Perak & half Tanjung Balai, Sumatra
My fears: too many to list here....
My weaknesses: my patience
My perfect pizza: Uno's Pizza

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My thoughts first thing when I wake up: Ish bising lah alarm clock ni
My bedtime: Varies from day to day or should I say night to night
My most missed memory: Childhood

Layer Four: My picks
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, but I rather have Mountain Dew
McDonald's or Burger King: McD
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee: Both, I'm a coffeeholic

Layer Five: Do I
Smoke: Tried it once - tasted like crap
Curse: Of course
Take shower: Every day
Have a crush: Of course, don't we all?
Think I've Been In love: Yes
Go to school: Did that
Want to get married: Am currently married
Believe in myself: Yes
Think I'm a health freak: Me, a health freak? You're kidding right?

Layer Six: In the past month
Drank alcohol: Never
Gone to the mall: Superstition Spring Mall
Been on stage: No
Eaten Sushi: No
Dyed your hair: No

Layer Seven: Have I ever
Played a stripping game: No
Changed who I am to fit in: No

Layer Eight: Age
I am hoping to be married: 21 but did it when I was 25 (better to be married to the right person than at the "right" age)

Layer Nine: What was I doing
1 min ago: Making Ramen Noodle
1 hour ago: Chatting with Jim
4.5 hours ago: Sleeping
A month ago: Can't remember...mostly at home or work
1 year ago: Cursing the hot summer weather

Layer Ten: Finish The Sentence
I love: My family, Jim & my 2 boys
I feel: restless
I hate: people who are ignorant but think that they are right
I hide: my archie comic books so that Sammy doesn't tear them up

Layer Eleven: Tag 5 people
I hereby pass this on to Deen, Riz, Wan Chik, Nin & Cynthia

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