Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Because of the rain that we got a month ago, our back patio is now overgrown with grass and weed. Some of those weeds have grown to be about 2 feet tall!! I have been putting off cutting them but I finally broke down and bought a weed wrecker/edge trimmer from the Home Depot on Friday. I had planned on cutting those grass and weeds over the weekend but of course me being me...I got lazy and put it off.

Anyways, after we got home from Jim's doctor appointment yesterday morning, I left the back sliding door open while I took out the trash. Sammy and Tiger were in the back patio. Tiger as always was eating the grass and Sammy was in among the grass and weeds. Sammy was almost hidden among the grass and weeds that I finally decided that it's time to cut those blasted things.

After cooing the boys back into the house and closing the sliding door, I took out the weed wrecker and have a go at it. Man, it felt so good to cut those things. Finally our back patio looks like someone actually live in the house. I planned my flower seeds on the left side of the patio around the bird bath, cleaned and refilled the bird bath with water, refilled the hummingbird feeder with necter and the finch bird feeder with tisle seeds.

Phew! That was hard work... This weekend maybe I'll replace the dead plants that are in my flower pots....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go, yin! make it green and lovely!

wan chik