Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ghost Rider

I wasn't feeling so great when I went to bed last night. I think I'm catching whatever that is being spread around the office. Needless to say, I had a restless night.

I had borrowed this DVD from one of my colleage last week and haven't had a chance to watch. So, at about 3am this morning and after tossing and turning in bed, I decided to watch it with my boy Sammy.

The movie was okay. Nicholas Cage plays the character Johnny Blaze who during the day is a stunt cyclist and at night is the Ghost Rider. It is based on a Marvel Comic character. There are a few famous actors in the movie; Peter Fonda, Wes Bentley, Sam Elliot & Eva Mendes.

At this point, I am not sure if I like the movie or not. Mainly, due to the fact that I was hacking up a storm while watching the movie that I didn't really concentrate on what was going on. So, you guys decide on your own okay.

I am off to bed to sleep off this pounding headache...bye

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