Wednesday, February 13, 2008

3's About Me...

Tagged again...this time by Jim

3's About Me!

1. Three jobs I have had in my life: Financial Controller, Senior Teller, Personal Financial Representative

2. Three movies I would watch over and over: Harry Potter & (insert any of the movies here), Four Weddings & a Funeral, While You Were Sleeping

3. Three places I have lived: USA, Malaysia, The Netherlands

4. Three shows that I watch: Lost, The Office, Grey's Anatomy

5. Three places I have been: England, Italy, Switzerland

6. Three people who e-mail me regularly: Jim, Wan Chik, Melissa

7. Three of my favorite foods: Nasi lemak, satay, curry noodle soup

8. Three places I'd rather be right now: Malaysia, in bed, on the beach somewhere

9. Three friends I think will respond: Wan Chik, Nin, Sofia

10. Three things I am looking forward to this year: a new niece or nephew, vacation in Malaysia, some peace and quiet

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