Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mummy, there's a giant mouse after me!

I got off from work at 6:15pm this past Thursday. As always, I try to take the shortest and fastest way home so I reached home in about 10 minutes. Tiger was already waiting for me by the back patio sliding door. He jumped up as soon as he saw my head popped up from behind the wooden gate and started meowing. A few seconds later, Sammy came by the door too to greet me home. My feeling of exhaustion always melts away when I see my 2 boys greet me when I get home ;-)

Sammy & Tiger are indoor cats so they are rarely out of the house much less out of the back gate. Once in awhile I will let them go onto the back patio so they can "explore" a little. Tiger normally would go straight to the little patch of grass that we have and start eating them while Sammy will explore the flower bed we have. He normally checks the bird feeder & birdbath we have to see if there is any birds lurking around.

Well, I let them onto the patio when I got home on Thursday. I left the patio door open while I cleaned their litter box and took the trash out to the big garbage bin in the parking lot. As I was walking back from the garbage bin, I noticed that Sammy had ventured out past our gate and was checking out the front of my car. He kept walking along the pebbled boundary of the carport and came up to a car parked 2 spaces away from mine. Up to this point, he was not paying attention to the cars that were parked. He looked up and jumped back really fast and ran back to our gate. He stopped and looked back at the car then to me and gave a loud meow and ran into the house. I was laughing so hard that I almost peed in my pants.

Sammy got scared coz the car that he happened to look up at was a yellow VW bug that the company Truly Nolen uses so it was suped up to look like a mouse. He thought that he was face-to-face with a giant mouse ;-)


nuhaafnan said...

hihi, this is so funny shirin. sammy must have thought that since he hasn't been out for a while, the mouse species has mutated!

Shirin said...

Hi Anne, I thought it was funny too. I wish that I had my camera with me when it happened coz that would have been a hit on YouTube ;-)

Anonymous said...

Cutelaa... your boys. Kelakar.
Wan Chik.

Shirin said...

Itulah your cucu Wan Chik LOL