Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time Flies...

It has been awhile since I wrote anything on this blog... Lots of things had happened and I had wanted to write about it but for some reason or another I kept putting it off and putting it off and before you know it, it's already November. So, here goes:

1. Jim started to see a new neurologist in Sun City. We are hopeful that the neurologist will find what is wrong and fix it.

2. The economy sucked! I am still looking for a new job but since a lot of company are letting their employees go, the job propect is looking bleak.

1. Jim started his physical therapy this month and his symptoms are improving. We are still hopeful that we can find what is going on with his brain. In the meantime, I'm still driving him around to his doctor's appointments.

2. Job prospect is still blahh...Had a few interviews but they are offering less than what I'm making right now (which is not a lot to begin with).

3. Hopeful that Obama, if elected, will turn this country around.

1. Obama was elected !!!! Was amazed at how the country (& the whole world) reacted to his election. There is still hope for this country yet!

2. Job search still depressing me...

3. Found out our COBRA insurance is going up to about $920/month starting January. That is more than our mortgage!!! If things doesn't change soon, I'll probably end up robbing a bank or something...

So, there you go, in a nutshell, what is going on with me.... I'm just grateful that I still have a roof to sleep under, food on the table and family & friends who cares & love me...


elisataufik said...

but you havent quit your job just yet, kan kan?
I hope the new therapy works!

p/s will du'a for Jim and you during my Hajj.

Shirin said...


No, I haven't quit my job yet. I won't give my resignation until I have another job on the line.

Thank you & good luck with your Hajj

Anonymous said...

how come my comment is missing?
wan chik.

Shirin said...

Err Wan Chik,

Not sure why but I didn't see any other comments from you. Hemm, pelik jugak ni....

Anonymous said...

hmm, can't remember exactly what i said but basically, sabar, yin, sabar.....

wan chik